A positive attitude is a frame of mind – our perspective, as leaders, has much to do with how we engage and deal with challenges.
Like it or not, you are in the superhero business. As a leader, whatever industry you are in, you need to always remember that the energy you bring to everything you do will be noticed and amplified. Your personal attitude is a huge part of what you project to your team and organization. If you aren’t demonstrating a positive, supportive and encouraging attitude, how can you expect others to?
If you want to have a positive, lasting impact on others, realize that as you evolve your attitude it will be reflected in your actions – positively influencing your work, your team… and your world. In order to be seen as a superhero by your superiors, colleagues, employees and customers, focus on becoming:
- Positive: See the world in a positive light – look for the silver lining in every situation or challenge…
- Purposeful – Establish and communicate a direction and a route to the end destination (read my book Destinations).
- Empathetic - Promote an attitude of “Walking a mile in someone else’s shoes” and always apply the “Golden Rule“ (Do unto others…)
- Expansive – Communicate openly and honestly with your superiors, colleagues, employees and customers.
- Unpretentious - Help people to become better than you and always give credit where credit is due.
All of these positive characteristics are contagious. As a leader, you have the opportunity to inject the energy and passion into your team or organization that will allow it to become more than anyone thought possible. A positive group of people that drives sustainable change doesn’t happen automatically, it has to start with someone – YOU!
As a critical component of the “heroes journey”, adapt your outlook to incorporate a change in perspective, as well as attitude:
- Demonstrate Confidence. Great leaders have a positive attitude and tend to have a high level of confidence. As a leader, understand that each day is a challenge and that most of the time you will not have all of the resources you need to get the job done. Despite this fact, if you are confident in your ability to meet your objectives, your chance of success is far greater.
- Embody Optimism. Strong leaders and heroes alike believe that they will find a way be successful – even in the face of what seems to be insurmountable obstacles. Hannibal (the great Carthaginian military commander) once said, “We will find a way, or make one.” This is the true attitude of a leader – own it!
- Develop A Solution Mentality. Not all problem solvers are leaders, but all leaders are problem solvers. Take on problems as challenges worth pursuing – never wait for someone else to take on a problem you can solve.
- Value People. Leaders don’t do everything themselves – in order to be successful they need people to do things with and for them. Appreciate people for their individual talents and do everything in your power to help others succeed.
- Be A Role Model. Leaders walk the talk – all the time. Show others how to treat people well, admit to mistakes and demonstrate the learning that can come from difficult situations. Know, as a leader, there are always people watching you and your reactions – in good times and, well, in not so good times.
Think about the attitudes you bring to the organization as a leader – they are vitally important to your organizations success. You have a choice – leverage your capacity to rise above business’ day-to-day obstacles to make things happen or stand aside and let others do what you know you could be doing.
William James, an early 20th century philosopher said, “It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which, more than anything else, determines its outcome.” How true it is, how true it is…
What is your attitude – Hero or Zero?
Please engage the discussion and let us know how your attitude impacts your environment. Feel free to contact me at Sheri.Mackey@LuminosityGlobal.com or by visiting our website at www.LuminosityGlobal.com. Check back next week for the next installment of Leadership Across Boundaries and Borders.